November 22, 2016
Dear Dolley,
My mind is so much occupied with the affairs of our country. I pray that, like stupid fallen leaves, you have swept away your spiced pumpkins and LuLaRoe. I know well the comfort of a colored legging, but today there is thinking to do. And thought, my dear is not found in tights.
Wouldn’t you as well like to be of better use? I suppose it is a mild contribution that I am at present tending to the embers of my husband’s rage, to prevent a calamitous spark. I have changed the wifi password, but that has forced him only out of doors, talking with passersby. I worry for his health. He cannot forever, at this age, speak so many words in capital letters, though at least he is imbibing in fresh air. For that I am grateful as I am grateful for many things, but still I search for ways to aid Providence in his benevolence. I pray now thrice daily and have so too begun re-using Ziploc bags.
I fear this is not enough. What more can we ladies do? The longer we live in the world, the more do troubles thicken upon us, do they not?
You were always the most delicate, but so too the most mischievous. Are you still willing to put on your pattens to preserve our liberty and best silverware? I can only imagine what Melania may do to our finest keepsakes. Perhaps Dolley, your manners may yet benefit us all, if you apply them in the most discourteous manner. I dare not speak of such acts in writing.
Thus, through the favor of Heaven, I request the favor of your presence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue this Tuesday hence.
Your judgment will have great weight, with your sincere friend,
Abigail Adams